Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in us the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth.

O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations; through Christ our Lord. Amen
Prayer Vigil


Cursillo Applications
Participant and Team


On the attached pages, you will find Cursillo application forms for the Diocese of Southwest Florida. Diocesan churches are invited to download and print these forms, as needed for use by their members.

Download Instructions

If you wish to attend Cursillo . . .

If you wish to serve on a Cursillo Team . . .

Arranging to Attend Cursillo

Individuals who would like to attend Cursillo must be sponsored by a member of their parish who has already been to Cursillo, and the application must be endorsed by their priest (or other clergy at the church who has attended Cursillo). If you are interested in attending Cursillo, you should speak first with your priest, who can help you decide if this would be a good experience for you. He can also help you find a sponsor.

Once you have decided that you wish to attend, your sponsor or clergy will provide you with the application form. You should give your completed form to your sponsor, who will then fill out the sponsor form and turn it over to the clergy. The clergy will fill out the clergy endorsement form and send the entire set of applications to the Pre-Cursillo Chairman.

Under no circumstances will applications be accepted without the accompanying sponsor and priest endorsement forms. We want you to be fully informed as to the purpose of Cursillo and what you can expect at a Cursillo weekend. The sponsor and clergy signatures on the forms are our assurance that you have had an opportunity to discuss these things with your sponsor and clergy and would like to attend.

Download Instructions

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Applying to Serve on a Cursillo Team

When you apply to serve on a Cursillo team, you are applying for a particular weekend. A new application will be required, if you wish to apply to serve on a future weekend.

If you are considering serving on a Cursillo team, you should first pray for guidance as to whether you are called to this service at this particular time. Remember that team members are asked to be available the entire weekend, from Thursday through Sunday, as well as several Saturdays before the weekend for team preparation. In addition, you will need to devote time to your personal preparation for serving.

The team is made up of people who have already attended a Cursillo weekend as participants. They must also be actively living their Fourth Day (grouping regularly and participating in Cursillo activities). Team members must attend a team training workshop, which will be included in one of the team meetings prior to the weekend.

The Rector for the weekend will pray for each applicant and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in selecting the team. Often, there are more applicants than there are places on the team, so not every applicant is chosen. Do not feel discouraged if you are not chosen. Perhaps this is not yet your time to serve. Please apply for another weekend, if you feel called.


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In order to download the application forms, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. You may get this program free, by clicking the icon below.

Cursillo Applications
The files will be viewed on Acrobat Reader and can be printed directly. If you would like to save a file on your computer, first view the file, then click the disk icon on the toolbar, and follow the directions.

Click below for the application you need:


Participant Application

Team Application

Participant Application - Spanish

Team Application - Spanish

Scholarship Policy - Spanish

Scholarship Form - Spanish

Scholarship Procedure - Spanish

Scholarship Policy

Scholarship Form

Scholarship Procedure


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